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Lifestyle : Stop acting based on assumptions or ignorantly

Sometimes people act based on their assumptions or other times ignorantly but the truth is you need to stop acting based in assumptions.

This transpired between and a friend and I ;

Me: Som, take sweet corn

Som: No I don’t want with a twisted face.

Me: Why don’t you want?

Som : I just don’t like it.

Me: Really?? Is it too sweet for you or what?

Som: Nancy leave me alone joor

Extending my hand and forcing it into her mouth.

Smiling and chewing the sweet corn

Som: I never knew it’s nice ooo, please give me more.

Just like my friend, most people reject what they’ve not tried simply because of their assumption or perceived value.

Assumptions without proper findings is a very wrong thing to do. It’s most times a blatant display of ignorance.

Ignorance they say is not an excuse for the law, same is applied in real life.

You can miss a life opportunity simply because you don’t just like it.

Who says such things?

You don’t just like it??

Who has that one helped, who even cares about what you like.

Please when an opportunity comes up, you may not like it oooo.

But please check it out, take the risk and find out what is in that parcel.

It is said that diamonds come mixed with dirt if you don’t like the dirt, you have missed your diamond.

A business idea may not seem so lucrative but the profit there in is unbelievable.

Do your findings before you draw your conclusions.

Please stop acting based on assumptions, it is causing you harm and slowing you down.

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