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After the dust settles

After The Dust Settles, what will you be found doing and at what speed?

You will agree with me that 2020 has been quite a year.

So many things happening and now the virus.

People were still trying to makeup for all the lavish spending they did during the festive season, school fee, rent and so on.

Now this virus from China came knocking, almost crumbling many economy around the world.

One thing is certain, this too will eventually pass but after it does what’s going to be left.

Where will you find yourself?

Now is not a time to go all panicking and forget everything you’ve planned out for the year.

Now is a time to perfect that plan, put in all the works required of you since you have more time now.

After the dust settles, you have to be at the top of your game so you can pick up with speed.

A wise person said, there is no regrets only lessons. This pandemic has opened so many flaws that only the wise can learn from.

While you isolate or stay home, do not be idle in your mind.

Let your mind figure out solutions to some of the problems affecting your business, career, academics and life generally.

When I saw the government asking everyone to work from home, I asked myself how many offices and businesses are equipped to work from home?

It goes to say that going digital is a must for everyone at this time and age.

If you do not achieve anything with staying home this season, think of how you and your business would thrive more when you go digital.

For me this is a time of sober reflection for after the dust settles, life must continue.

Remember to always stay safe and if you must mingle with people take all the required necessary precautions.

To your continuous success and well-being.

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