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Oddbod and the City – My Lagos Adventure

There’s nothing like a glass of fab wine and a well-batteried (not a word, I know) remote control to power through life these days.

I would like to officially state for the record that I am exhausted. It isn’t enough that the undue stress of the last few months is making my poor body act out, with vivid dreams and all sorts of other manifestations (that the Google rabbit hole has assured me is becoming common place worldwide), but then, July came swooping in.

With biblical locust invasions in East Africa, unexplained sudden deaths of almost 400 elephants in Botswana, a potential new swine flu coming out of China and the re-emergence of the (deadly but treatable) bubonic plague, you could not, in your wildest dreams, have made 2020 up.

Meanwhile Aunty Rona is still on the rampage making mourners of us all.
It is a testament to the human spirit that we all still carry on and find reasons to smile, to laugh, and to hope.

This is Oddbod and the City – My Lagos Adventure.


Radio Girl – Lagos Talk 91.3

Last week I got invited back as a guest on the ‘Dear Bunmi’ segment with the legendary Uncle Jimi Disu. It is always so much fun playing Agony Aunt on the show.
My fellow Lagosians, you are all really out there living juicy and interesting lives. You have kept Aunty Bunmi busy with the column in the Vanguard for a good forty years. Love, work, play, family—all these and more have fuelled this show and kept it going all these wonderful years and it was great to try and help folks who need a listening ear.
I was on my best behaviour ladies and gents, so I hope I get invited back again. Thank you for having me!


Healthy Gut…Healthy Everything

With the COVID-19 pandemic raging on, there has been no better time to be motivated to live a healthier lifestyle. I have friends who have battled for decades suddenly give up smoking, cut out evil sugars, and start working out all in a bid to get one’s body in fighting shape in case the terrible happens.
I have never been more aware of what I am feeding my family, trying to ensure we are getting all our vitamins, minerals, and essential oils in our diet because the health of your gut reflects all over your body. We are still battling adult acne over here, and I decided that I should give my body the chance to shake off the quarantine snacks.
I am currently on day two of a three-day juice detox from the Carib Health Ltd. The benefits of a juice cleanse are well documented—you get all the vitamins and antioxidants from the fruit and vegetables you are consuming which boost the immune system, while giving your guts a respite from most of its energy-consuming digestive duties, all of which have cellular restorative advantages.
The detox is a series of six bottles of juice which you must drink every two hours during the day starting from 10 in the morning. In between you have to concentrate on drinking water and consume about three litres each day.
By the time you read, this I hopefully would have completed my mission and be fully reaping the benefits.

My new Obsession – Dragon Fruit

My baby brother has gone the way of his ancestors before him and is a full-fledged farmer as part of the family business Osin Farms.
The clever boy has managed to grow delicious exotic dragon fruit which as a family member I am enjoying the whole farm to table goodness of it all.
From the Central American cactus species family this fruit is bursting full of antioxidants, vitamins, and fibre.
I love blending it with apples and oranges for my morning smoothie and it brings a certain exotic satisfaction to my fruit salads.
Feel free to holla at me if you are interested; it is in season till September.
For more fun, flight, and fancy, check out my adventures on Instagram—@oddbodandthecity

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