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Time is a great determinant

Whatever you want out of life can come true with time, hence it’s OK to say that time is a great determinant.

A struggling man can become highly successful after a period of time and  at that same time, a wealthy person can loose all he has.

With every tick of the clock, we are either becoming what we dream of or we are loosing out on the things we yearn for.

What determines what we get over a certain period of time is what we do every passing minute.

The more valuable a person’s time is, the more they are likely to achieve and become.

If you want to become very successful, make every minutes count.

Possibly have a daily chart of all the things you want to achieve. Make sure  you execute each thing listed on your chart before the day runs out.

Doing this everyday gets you closer to your targeted goal and over time, you become a success people would want to emulate.

It’s said that the difference between the rich and poor is in what they do with their time.

While the former use their time valuably to attract what they want out of life, the later most times indulge in frivolities that has nothing to do with attaining success.

Remember to be highly successful at something, you’ve got to do all you can with the time available to you.

Time is indeed a great determinant hence you need to be able to use it rightly to your own advantage.



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