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How to enjoy sex at old age


Like, I always say, do what works for you. It’s quite possible you might not be as comfortable with some sexual positions as you once were, but that’s not to say you should hang up the boot for an activity that is pleasurable for you. Otherwise, you’d be missing out on being intimate with your spouse.

Remember it’s not always about vaginal sex, or recreating the way things were when you were younger; instead, it’s about the key to a great sex life- Finding out what works for you now like Outer-course sex. 

Schedule sex – Change your routine; this can help to improve your sex life. Your calendar can come in handy for this, you have sex at a time that’s most convenient; anticipation and longing is the fuel to your desire.

Foreplay – Is an important activity at this phase of life because it might take longer for you or your partner to get in the mood. Spend quality time on foreplay to set the stage for the real action, like, an evening of dancing, extensive touching, cuddling/kissing etc. Being playful with your mate is important for a good sex life at any age, and it’s very helpful as you age. Teasing or tickling whatever it takes to have fun, may be the ticket to relaxation.

 Maintaining a sex life into your senior years is a matter of good health, thinking of it as something that can keep you in shape, both physically and mentally.

The path to satisfying sex as you age is not always smooth, understanding the problems can be an effective first step to finding solutions. Possibility of overcoming these bumps in the road is really high even when libido gets stalled naturally.

 Sex is just as healthy and necessary as exercise and like exercise, just “do it” and you will be surprised with the pleasure and satisfaction you will gain. Get back into the act and once you’re back there, you will start to feel better and your sex drive would naturally get boosted.

Know when to seek professional help- Regardless of your age, losing your desire for intimacy and touch, calls for concern. Loss of interest or function may be signs of a medical problem that may be treatable and curable and  that is best addressed by a doctor. Anything that affects your general health and well-being can also affect your sexual function. 

Keep the line of conversations open, this is the roadmap to maintaining a satisfying sexual life. Talk with your lovebird, schedule time to be sensual and sexual together and share your thoughts about love making. Let your spouse understand what you want from him/her. Be honest with your feelings, physically, emotionally and otherwise.

Many books are available about how to maintain a healthy sex life at this stage of one’s life, and, if it happened that the problem is not physical, your doctor can refer you to a sex therapist to help you work through any emotional, relationship or psychological issues that are affecting your sex life. The therapist can teach you and your partner, ways to manage problems like lack of desire or trouble reaching orgasm.

Finally, know your body’s sexual response- Pay attention to how your body reacts. What kinds of touch get you in the mood and orgasm? By doing this, you will learn how to keep the passion alive as you age, sexual feelings does not have to vanish as the years roll by. 

So, find out which aspects of your sexual health that is likely to change with age and how you and your lover can adapt. Ask yourselves about what is satisfying and mutually acceptable: Sex can still be fulfilling and pleasurable.

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