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Secrets to softer lips

By – Josephine Agbonkhese

Nothing is as sexy as smooth, soft lips. In fact, call them kissable lips. Lips that are soft, sensuous and full-bodied may greatly enhance your physical appearance, provide a real boost to your self-esteem and help you feel your best at all times.

When it comes to skincare however, lips happen to be one of the most neglected parts of our faces much that we only remember them when they turn dark or begin to chap. Chapped lips are, in actual fact, a sign of poor lip care.
Say hello to softer, smoother and fuller lips as you include the following lip care regimen to your regular beauty routine. Trust us, same lip care tips work for men too.

Exfoliate your lips
Dead skin can build up on your lips, just like anywhere else on your face. Therefore, exfoliate your lips to help the skin regenerate, using a soft toothbrush. This is as they could be very sensitive due to thinness. Wet the brush with warm water and gently scrub your lips. Otherwise, rub a scrub on your lips using clean hands, and then rinse off with cold water after one or two minutes. Do this at least twice weekly.

Drink water always
People who drink water throughout the day naturally have brighter, softer lips. Up your intake of water because it not only keeps the body hydrated, but the lips as well. Water is, in fact, the best recommendation for softer lips. It can keep your lips from drying out, prevent cracks and peeling, and save you from any consequent wound.

Wear the right lipstick and apply correctly`
Not all lipsticks are equal. Some contain ingredients that can be harmful, like parabens, for example. On the other hand, some lipsticks are made from natural ingredients and use natural colouring. Opt for such lipsticks. If you are the type who wears matte long-stay lipsticks, then ensure you always put on a balm before applying your lipstick. Let the balm sit on your lips for a while before applying your matte lipstick.

Use a lip mask
A lip care trend you should be considering adding to your routine is lip masks.
A lip mask is a gel mask that is worn on your lips for a set period of time; some, overnight, and others, for about fifteen minutes. Lip masks help hydrate your lips, making them look fuller and plumper, just like lip balms. They are, however, easier to apply, penetrate deeper, and last longer.

Stay off bad habits
Biting and licking your lips, smoking, consuming too much alcohol and caffeine must be avoided if you want softer lips. Getting rid of these bad habits will help your lips stay bright, luscious and soft. Instead of licking your lips when they feel dry, apply a lip balm over them because licking actually does more harm than good; the saliva causes your lips to become drier and chapped than before.

Use lip balm frequently
Keep your lips moist always by making lip balms your best friend. Wearing a lip balm throughout the day is actually ideal for everyone whether male female, because lips are constantly exposed to the elements and moisturising will help keep them looking young and wrinkle-free. Apply whenever they feel dry or twice to four times daily. Remember to apply at bedtime also. For day wear, choose a lip balm with SPF.

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