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Full or empty stomach at love making

Copulating before or after a meal should not be a no-brainer moment; doing it at a perfect time may prove to be the best idea because not only does your pleasure depend on it, but it could also impact your health.

Your mind, body, and stomach share a significant relationship when engaging in a sexual act. Copulating after a heavy meal might actually ruin the magic moment and according to a report published on an online news portal; after eating, a man’s body tends to digest food and this could take a lot of energy and blood; two vital ingredients for a man’s performance in the other room.  If as a man you must eat, be sure not to eat complex starchy foods like pounded yam, eba, etc. Study reveals that there’s a tendency for you to sleep off within 10 to 15 minutes after consuming heavy foods because blood and energy that he needs for erection are sent to the stomach for digestion with none going to the waist for the needed erection.

This will result in power failure in the bedroom because you will need 6-8 hours for the consumed meal to fully digest.
Although it’s not impossible to have sex when you’re full, it’s just that you might not have the best of your sexual performance.
Avoid heavy meals if it’s your date night and take something light like oatmeal/custard or 100 percent fiber that won’t overwhelm you. You will feel light, and well-hydrated and this is good especially as your woman expects you to last long in the act. The more fluid you have in your body, the bigger and stronger your erection will be, enabling you to last longer. Be sure to stay away from salty foods. Food is a huge turn-on for ladies and according to a New research published in the Journal Appetite, women are more aroused when they don’t have a big meal.
Eating heavily can impact a woman’s sex drive- A full stomach is likely to mess up their sexual libido since it can leave them feeling bloated, immobile, and definitely, not sexy. This can be a turn-off for your man. There are studies that have shown that women typically, enjoy sex more before a meal, or when they are not completely full than when they have sex after a heavy meal when they already feel ‘satisfied’ and don’t need any more indulgence (of any kind). So, it’s best to put off any late-night romance until the lady has eaten as studies also show that ladies typically enjoy lovemaking before any form of eating.
Don’t indulge in a heavy meal if you intend to have sex as your stomach is not supposed to growl or starve.
Yes, it’s very possible to mate with a full stomach, just that extra blood does go a long way for better performance.
Making love when hungry is like putting one foot in front of the other on an empty stomach. This can seem like a chore. But, if you enjoy the odd flutter here and there, you may want to reconsider eating beforehand.

* Sexual activity is to be encouraged when one feels good both internally and mentally.

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