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I have great plans for Nigerian gospel performers – US-based singer, Eldorado

Los Angeles-based gospel singer, Ponmile Eldorado is preaching the Word with her new single “High Praise Tungba Fiesta” (HPTF), which dropped over the weekend.

In this interview, the woman who wears many caps as the CEO of Stride Media and Entertainment, a worship leader, songwriter, entrepreneur, and also the founder of Hadassah Developmental Care and Nutrition Foundation, a non-profit organisation that caters for autistic children shares what inspired the new track, possible collaborations Nigerian and international gospel artists, and her plans for the Nigerian gospel artistes.

Words By Temitope Ojo

Why the choice of gospel music?

I grew up in church and I’ve been into gospel music since the age of five. I believe the gifts God has given me are to bless the world and preach the love of Christ. I chose gospel music because that is my way of sharing the love of God with the world. I believe it will bring hope to the hopeless and help the helpless. The world is too hot and full of sadness and anger, bringing the Word of God to people through gospel music is a great way to enable people to see that there is hope and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, when people go through hard times, they are too tired or discouraged to even pray. But listening to a three-minute gospel music can minister life to a dead soul. The Bible says in “Romans 5:5 “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

When people listen to gospel music while in pain and confusion, the Spirit of God can take over their hearts and give them strength to carry on or even minister instruction to them for a lasting solution. In the place of worship and praise, anything is possible!

Is that what inspired your new single?

My inspiration came from my testimonies. How God brought me out of bondage and pain. Even when I almost gave up on myself, He didn’t give up on me. 2 Timothy 2:13 “If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.”

When I took myself down memory lane and took stock of my life, despite all the life challenges that have been thrown at me, I am standing. Sometimes I ask myself “Ponmile how did you overcome this ?” I don’t even have an answer. But one thing I did even when I could not pray in the valley was never to stop praising and worshipping Yahweh. Even when I would cry and sob, I will still praise Him.

Job 13:15 “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.”

I kept praising and here I am today in victory. I give him all the praise.

HPTF is a track that encourages you to praise through your problems and life challenges into your miracles and victories.

What more do you intend to achieve with this new track?

That people should know for sure that in the place of praise and worship, miracles happen! Keep praying Yahweh even in your hard times and He will come through for you. Have you prayed about anything and it seems like it’s not coming forth? Try praise! Praise never fails.

Can you share some of your previous works with us?

I’ve done Emi Mimo, Praize Jamz, Orin Ope, I Remember, and Nigeria, to mention just a few and they are all available on all music platforms.

You are based in Los Angeles, how has it been doing Nigerian music over there, and what’s the process like?

Nigerian music is now more appreciated and accepted by the developed world. They have started appreciating our music more so it’s really beautiful.

Some of my tracks, I do in the USA, and some in Nigeria. When I am doing slow or mid-tempo songs, I do those in the USA. But when I do full percussion songs, our traditional tunes, I do those in Nigeria. So it can sound original and real! Doing traditional music in the USA is like comparing the amala and gbegiri in the USA to the ones in Ibadan.

Are there plans of collaboration with other artists in the industry?

Yes, by the grace of God, we hope to collaborate with some Nigerian gospel artists and international gospel artists here in the USA too. Soon, in Nigeria, we hope to collaborate with the likes of Pastor Natalie Bassey, Min. Dunsi Oyekan, Min. Mercy Chinwo, Bidemi Olaoba, and Min. Yinka Alaseyori are some people penned for some of our projects and US singer, Min Tye Tribbett.

What else should fans expect from you soon?

We are working on some future Christian movie projects from our Company Stride Media and Entertainment. We will also be signing some gospel entertainers on the label from Christian skit makers to gospel singers, music producers, scriptwriters, Christian comedians and many more. We are also working on compiling our 100 hymns and of course the video dance challenge for HPTF, which is our own little way of empowering the young talents in Nigeria and Africa. These are a few of our upcoming projects.

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