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What a woman truly wants from her partner


There is a saying that women generally likes money and that is all it takes to keep her glued to a relationship.

This post isn’t about countering or debating about this ‘fact’ but giving better clarification about what a woman really wants.

Ever wandered why a woman whose married to a billionaire turns out depressed and cheats or files for a divorce?

It’s simply because she’s not getting all she wants from the relationship.

Money is not all a woman needs, who doesn’t like money to start with.

Money enables her needs are met with easy making her look her best at all time.

Here are basically the most important things women need from their partners

QUALITY ATTENTION :Women crave attention so much, if you want her to remain loyal and committed to you, just give her quality attention.

If this is lacking, she can easily get drawn to another who gives her attention all the time.

COMPLIMENTS: Babe you look absolutely stunning and beautiful, she really can’t wait to hear you tell her that.

She knows she’s beautiful and dressed to kill, but then she also wants you to affirm it more when you say it.

Be sure to compliment her on a regular basis even if it’s obvious.

ROMANCE : women value romance so much, makes her feel wanted and good at the same time.

Just before you go all in on her, make sure to romance her so much that she drags you to herself.

DECLARE YOUR LOVE CONSTANTLY : Most men are guilty of not declaring live to the partner. In their heart they love her so much and believes she knows so.

She might know you love her from how you treat her and look at her, she needs to hear it too. This gives her so much joy and make her heart melt.

Don’t wait for a reason to tell her you love her, just say it at any slightest happening or time.

When you give a woman all the above, even without money, she’d be madly in love with you.

But hey, don’t forget to satisfy her sexually.

All mentioned above is also good for the men in our lives but then you’ve got to make them know you respect and trust them.

What other need does a woman want from her partner, list in the comment section, it will be a pleasure hearing from you.



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