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It’s that time of the year once again, the Yuletide season; that promotes the feeling of love, joy, harmony and togetherness.

This is season of romance, so up the Christmas heat with a romantic getaway, by taking your lover on holiday especially now that the season has lost its glow due to financial stress, commercialism, busy schedule.

As a result, a number of couples get carried away with the hustle and bustle; caring for the kids, dealing with a stressful job, a busy social calendar etc. And so, months go by without having proper talk or spending quality time together.

The simple truth is that, couples really need to reconnect with each other on a regular basis. Taking time away from family, friends, work and technology would give them the needed opportunity to rediscover themselves, to remember romance and to have fun time together.

The Yuletide season readily provides this needed break for a getaway with its numerous romantic gains.

Planning one of the weekend hang out could be really exciting. The anticipation is actually one of the best part of getting away. Finding a place to stay, looking at different locations and planning logistics can be thrilling as you and your lovebird have something to look forward to together. It could be more fun keeping all the plans to yourself, keep the details secret and give your spouse something to think of, thus adding air of mystery to the whole escapade.

Studies have shown that people who take regular vacations that allow them to relax, actually have a lower risk of stroke and heart attack. So, take care of your own and your spouse’ mental and physical health by going away for breaks. It is good for the mind and body to take some rest once in a while.

Also, it has been proven that ladies who go on regular vacation, are very much less likely, to suffer from depression as frequent getaways can lead to a better quality of life and improved work performance.

Seasonal romantic getaway like that of Christmas usually strengthens the structure of a relationship. Spouses get to spend quality time in each other’s company, in a relaxed environment, far from the normal routine of life, and being able to converse. This helps to improve communication, gives room to better relationships with your lovebird and children during and after vacation. It also allows you allows you to slow down, relax and face the new year with renew energy.

On the other hand, being stressed and overburdened is no fun for anyone to live with.

Taking time off to go on vacation is always a good thing, it is really important that all technology and contact with work is reduced during this festive period to get the maximum benefits.

A good rest with your bae/boo refreshes you and takes you back to work with renewed energy and improved productive.

Spending time with your lover in an intimate setting might just be what your need to re ignite feelings of intimacy and boost your sex life.

Inasmuch as a getaway with a spouse could be an awesome experience, one should also not forget that though it is a romantic trip, it can be fraught with stress, argument, different opinions on hygiene and packing.

Here are tips to make it stress free through the trip with your romance alive.

Manage your expectations as every day is not going to be filled with sparkles and orgasms; that you don’t feel completely relaxed and connected all the time, does not mean your union is in a mess.


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