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Beauty Tricks To Know in Your 50s

By – Josephine Agbonkhese

Most of us would like to age gracefully and still feel as stunning and as radiant as we were in our youthful days, as we live out our 40s and cross our 50s and beyond.

Wrinkle creams, eye serums, and other anti-aging skin care products can help diminish signs of aging. However, to create a truly effective anti-aging skin care plan, it helps to start with healthy skin care habits. Here are tips to a glowing skin in your 50s and beyond.

Get enough sleep.
It’s called beauty rest for a reason. Sleep gives your body time to refresh and renew itself.

Do not sleep with makeup on your face
Sleeping with your make-up on and not cleaning your face after a long day out, or at work is terrible for your skin, especially as you grow older. The most important tool to keeping your skin looking great, is keeping it clean and hydrated.

Moisturiser and sunscreen should be your best friends
Apply moisturiser every day. As we age, skin becomes drier. Fine lines and wrinkles appear. Moisturiser traps water in our skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. For best results, use a facial moisturiser, body moisturiser, and lip balm. Just make sure you find the product(s) that work for your skin and stick to them!

Use Concealer to Cover Up Spots
The best way to cover up spots is to first apply foundation and then go over any spots with concealer, using a small brush. Dabbing over the area provides more coverage versus swiping, and make sure to blend the concealer with the foundation.

Eat healthy foods
A healthy diet promotes healthy skin. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Protect your skin from the sun with sunscreen.
Sun protection forms the foundation of every anti-aging skin-care plan. The suns rays make our skin age more quickly. To protect your skin, apply sunscreen to all skin that clothing will not cover. Experts advise using a sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection, SPF 30 (or higher), and is water resistant.

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