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2024 Basic Skin Care Resolutions You Should Keep 

By Yemisi Suleiman 

With 2024 on us, it’s the perfect time to set good intentions for the coming year. Why not add skin care to the list?

By setting some skin care resolutions for the New Year, you can improve the health of your skin, prevent signs of aging, and ensure your skin has a healthy glow all year round. Commit to these skin care resolutions now so you can enjoy the benefits all year long.

1. Cleanse Consistently

Make a vow to keep your cleansing routine consistent— you should cleanse every morning before applying your moisturiser and makeup, and also every evening before heading to bed. 

2. Mask at least once a week

Masking regularly can create serious change in the skin. Mask after cleansing one to three times every week to see a difference. Find the best face mask for your skin concerns. 

3. You Must Remove a Makeup Before Bed

One of the biggest beauty no-nos you can make is to sleep in your makeup. If you have been doing this, make it your New Year resolution to never go to bed with your makeup ever again. Your skin will thank you.

4. Wear Sunscreen Every Single Day

No matter the time of year— or the weather— you should always take the time to apply broad-spectrum sunscreen. It’s a must to apply a product with SPF every single day, no exceptions.

5. Wash Your Makeup Brushes

Washing your makeup brushes not only helps them last longer but also gets rid of harmful bacteria. Commit to washing your brushes with water and a drop of gentle shampoo. Remember to air-dry too.

6. Make Water Your Best Friend

We all know the positive effect that drinking water can have on your health, and using water-based skin care products can have an impact on the look and feel of your skin too.

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