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By Jennifer Chukwujekwe

Decluttering in the new year is a fantastic way to start fresh and create a more organized and peaceful living environment. Here are some tips to help you with the decluttering process:

Set Clear Goals:
Define your decluttering goals. Whether it’s decluttering your entire home, specific rooms, or just certain areas, having a clear goal will help you stay focused.

Start Small:
Tackling an entire house can be overwhelming. Begin with one room or even one area within a room. This could be a drawer, a closet, or a shelf.

Sort and Categorize:
Sort items into categories such as keep, donate, sell, or discard. This helps you make decisions more efficiently.

The KonMari Method:
Consider using the KonMari method, introduced by Marie Kondo. This involves evaluating each item based on whether it sparks joy. If it doesn’t, consider letting it go.

One-In-One-Out Rule:
Implement a one-in-one-out rule for certain items, especially if you tend to accumulate things quickly. For every new item you bring in, let go of an old one.

Digital Declutter:
Don’t forget about digital clutter. Organize and declutter your computer files, emails, and digital devices. Delete unnecessary files and organize folders.

Donate and Recycle:
Rather than throwing away items, consider donating or recycling them. Clothes, books, and household items in good condition can often find a new home.

Storage Solutions:
Invest in storage solutions to help keep things organized. Storage bins, baskets, and shelves can be useful for creating designated spaces for different items.

Seasonal Declutter:
Regularly decluttering with the change of seasons can help prevent excessive accumulation of items over time.

Enlist Help:
If the task seems too daunting, enlist the help of friends or family. Having someone to support you can make the process more enjoyable and efficient.

Create a Maintenance Plan:
Once you’ve decluttered, create a plan to maintain your organized space. Regularly reassess and declutter to prevent things from piling up again.
Mindful Consumption:
Be mindful of your purchasing habits. Before buying something new, consider whether it truly adds value to your life.
Remember, the goal of decluttering is not just to have less stuff but to create a living space that brings you joy and makes your daily life more efficient and enjoyable.

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