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How women can experience, enjoy sex just as men do without feeling ashamed

Two days ago, March 8th, was International Women’s Day, a day set aside to celebrate the struggles, achievements and hopes of women worldwide.

Themed, Inspire Inclusion, the essence is to promote self-worth, and as a result, being able to determine your sexual choices and boundaries and taking charge of your body and desires as a lady.

This also includes women having the freedom to experience and enjoy sex to the same degree as men without feeling ashamed or being afraid of being body-shamed.
The high prevalence of sexual dysfunction among women and the role of quality of sexual life in women is the purpose for this article.

One often hears talks about the importance of inspiring women to achieve success professionally, but it has failed to extend sexual pleasure.

Most of the time, you get to hear ladies talk about how intimacy is being more of a duty than a source of delight. Others do it out of obligation.
Since their spouses routinely dismissed their desire for pleasure, over time, they have come to believe the idea that sex is a lesser priority.
This has affected women’s intimate relationships, causing struggles with orgasm disparities, unenthusiastic consent, chore-like sex, forgetting the sole purpose of the clitoris, which is to confer pleasure on its owner.

Even at that, the possession of this uniquely dedicated organ does not guarantee delight or even sensation to the woman as most of them feel numb and disconnected. The lack of sensation, literally makes her genitals feel dead.

Overcoming frigidity can be a bit of a roller coaster for those in a monogamous partnership. It is vital ladies know that sexual pleasure plays a significant role in their overall well-being. They may need time to create the space and to have whatever kind of sex they desire.

Experiencing desire means drawing new boundaries; having been made to believe that, you should make your body available and pleasing to your man.

Persistent sexual dissatisfaction is a sign that a number of ladies do not feel free to enjoy their sexuality. Some don’t even know how to feel sexual or sensual and end up indulging in activities that are not really inclusive of their own pleasure.

As a woman, struggling to fight being sexually overwhelmed in your own body, can make you feel undeserving.
Ladies’ sexual healing can start from sexually inspiring and including them in the bedroom sexual satisfaction: being entitled to explore and express their sexuality and in feeling equal to their lovers.

Every woman has sexual needs, and when in the bedroom, let her feel free to sexually express herself however she chooses as it is not a one-sided game.
Going forward, taking an active role in your own sexual pleasure will not only make the act enjoyable, it will also lead to a greater sense of self-confidence and well-being.


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