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Skincare Habits You Should Toss in 2024

By Josephine Agbonkhese

Most people have at least one terrible skin care habit, knowingly or unknowingly, they end up doing things that are bad for the skin. Hopefully, 2024 is the year that habit gets kicked!
For more glowing skin, find out which skin care habits you should toss this year 2024.

Wearing makeup to bed
No matter the circumstances, resolve this year to make it to the sink every night to wash your face and moisturise before bedtime. It will pay dividends. A well-hydrated, clean face before you go to bed will give your skin a chance to renew.

Not getting enough sleep
This is a very valid resolution, especially for your skin. Not only can sleep help you keep those dark circles under your eyes at bay, but it also reduces stress, which is one of the primary causes of acne!

Picking at your skin
Not only does picking at blemishes make them last longer, but it can also result in scarring and increased breakouts. This year, resolve to leave your blemishes alone, treat them properly, and be patient.

Not wearing sunscreen
Ask anybody in the industry for their number one beauty or anti-aging tip, and you’ll always get the same answer. Protect your skin from the sun and you’ll keep your skin looking young and feeling healthy! We just can’t sound it enough. This year, resolve to wear sunscreen or, at least, use a moisturiser with sunscreen daily.

Not staying hydrated
You do a great disservice to your skin and overall health when you fail to stay hydrated. Your skin needs a lot of water. Drink as much as you need throughout the course of the day. Just master keeping a bottle of water with you at all times.

Not exercising
This is worth saying again and again. Regular cardiovascular exercise is absolutely crucial to ensuring blood circulation to all of the skin on your body. Hop on that treadmill! Go on that bike! Do some weight lifting and your skin will thank you for that.

Not following a skincare routine
You’ve been taught that cleansing, toning, applying a serum, and moisturising are all vital for radiant skin. You also know you should exfoliate at least twice a week and use a face mask.
If you’re one who constantly skips these routines, then that’s one habit you should strive to toss this New Year if you truly desire more supple skin.

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