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Benefits of water for skin

Joy Onuorah

When you drink enough water, the cells in every part of your body get hydrated through the blood. The skin, being the largest organ in the body, also gets hydrated, even as the impurities and toxins get flushed out at the cellular level.

Here are all the benefits of drinking water for your skin:

1. Improves skin tone

Drinking enough water helps the body to flush out toxins while giving you healthier skin. Studies have revealed that drinking just two cups of water [1] can increase blood flow to the skin which gives it an even tone.

2. Prevents premature aging

Staying hydrated helps increase elasticity in the skin as it stays moisturised for longer. Heightened elasticity in the skin implies delayed sagging of the skin and no premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Faster healing

If you have been out in the sun and got sunburnt, drinking water can fasten the healing process.

4. Reduces puffiness

When the skin looks puffy, it is actually retaining water to protect you from dehydration. This occurs when you don’t drink enough water. Staying hydrated will reduce swelling and puffiness in your face.

5. Prevents acne

Drinking ample water balances the oil and water content on the skin of your face. This helps to prevent excess oil and sebum secretion, which means fewer clogged pores and acne.

6. No more itchy skin

Dry skin always tends to itch. It can even develop dry flakes and crack due to lack of moisture. Drinking enough water ensures your skin doesn’t get dry enough to itch.

7. Tighter skin

Due to sudden weight loss, your skin can start to sag. To prevent your skin from sagging and to tighten it in areas where the sagging is prominent, like the upper arms, thighs, waist and jawline, drinking water helps as it revives the skin’s elasticity.

8. Maintains pH balance

Sensitive, acne-ridden skin or problem skin due to various issues, can be revived to a healthy version with water. Your skin can glow and be free of blemishes if you drink enough water that will help to balance your body’s pH levels.

9. Prevents heat-related skin eruptions

Water prevents your body from heating up and normalises your body temperature. When your body heats up due to the weather or physical activity, drinking lots of water ensures that you don’t develop heat boils and rashes on your skin.

10. Promotes healthy gut, clear skin

Intake of water helps maintain a healthy gut and aids in proper digestion. It regulates your bowel movements, and flushes toxins from your body through urine and faeces. Only when this process is smooth and your gut is healthy, your skin will remain clear and free of issues.

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