The price of ignorance
If you want to be free from the hands of your supposed village people, then you have to read this post till the end.
Firstly ignorance can be defined as ‘The lack of knowledge or information’.
Remember how twins were seen as taboo in the olden days and anyone with twins either get their children killed or thrown into the evil forest.
Mary Mitchell Slessor abolished the Killings and those people who existed back then came to the realization that having twins is just normal.
Today people arrange to have twins so they won’t have to go through the process over and over again.
These is possible because they are informed and no longer ignorant.
In the judiciary system, it’s said that ignorance is not an excuse to the law.
Simply put being ignorant doesn’t exempt you from been guilty of a crime you have committed.
You get to suffer the full consequences of that offence or crime.
Its true that there is no manual to leading a successful life. But with the right information and knowledge you can reposition your life towards the direction you desire.
Someone once said to me, “This online thing doesn’t work”
I wasn’t happy with the comment because it sure work 100%.
But then he spoke based on the information available to him.
In this age and time, we don’t have the luxury of being ignorant. We need to constantly seek information that can turn our situations.
Most of the things we posses within and around us are priceless and can make us into the most successful person.
But the problem is this, we are ignorant of that fact and it has left us suffering for decades.
John Obidi, a future award winner and founder of headstart Africa group on Facebook would say,
“Use what you have, for what you have is enough”.
This can only be possible when you have the right information.
The price for ignorance is very expensive, it leaves you stagnated, confused, depressed, suicidal etc. That’s why it seem the poor remain poor or lose the one they have and the rich makes more.
The only reason this is possible is that the rich have the right information needed for creating wealth.
To break out of this rabbit hole, seek knowledge like you would Food.
Don’t let a day pass you by without investing at least an hour of learning something new.
When something is done consistently an hour everyday, in years to come you’d be seen as an expert.
If you are ready to join the elite leagues, kindly make information seeking your number one goal.
Also remember Google and YouTube is your friend, if you want to get quick information and a guide for free.
But if you have the means, pay an expert to put you through.
What skills or information are you seeking right now?