There is no love : You need to stop saying that
Just stop it. There is a love for you r everyone.
Yesterday I over heard a lady saying there is no love.
A young man was chatting her up, in a friendly way and she wanted to shut him up with “Love don’t exist”
Immediately I said STOP IT don’t even think of writing that to him.
I knew this is a result of a broken heart or bad experience from previous lovers/love.
Love don’t exist.
They are all the same.
I’m never gonna be happy.
I’m finished because of these grievous mistakes.
I wish I knew better, I wouldn’t have done this or that.
There is nothing else for me, Ayam just gonna watch things unfold.
Can you just please STOP IT??
STOP beating yourself up over yesterday, don’t make conclusions because of yesterday.
It’s gone and will never come back and it’s not enough to condemn the rest of your precious life..
I get it that you’ve made a terrible and costly mistake, we’ve all done that at a stage in our lives but we don’t get stuck in it..
We get up, dust our ass and freaking learn from it. You MUST not draw conclusions out of it.
You are not a failure because you didn’t win that guy over,
You are certainly not a failure because you’ve not been promoted.
Your mates are all married and you are not, doesn’t make you a failure.
Just Stop it.
If you’ve lost someone you love, kindly mourn them properly and be whole again.(I learnt the hard way for failing to do these)
If your heart has been shattered, take time to mend every piece of it and be whole again.
You deserve to be happy and who ever or what ever you lost doesn’t have your happiness tied to it.
They left because their chapter in your life has ended.
Sometimes letting go is much easier and safer than holding on.
Stop drawing conclusions because of one person, mistake or anything at all.
We are all different in our unique ways and that’s the beauty of our existence.
That which is meant for you, will certainly get to you, but you’ve got to be open minded to Receive it.
Your happiness, dream job, love, every damn thing you’ve ever wanted and working toward are still all achievable regardless of your past failure.
You only have to BELIEVE IT and STOP the generalization.
Look closely you’d see they are not the same… There is certainly a difference.
JUST STOP with the blame and guilt game and posses your possession.