Wet Dreams: Can Women Have Them, Too?
Absolutely! Sure, a quick Google search may make it seem as if only teenage boys have wet dreams, but that’s far from reality.
Both women and men can experience arousal while in dreamland.
In fact, research shows that most women have their first sleep orgasm before they turn 21.
Plus, according to a 1986 study published in the Journal of Sex Research, 37 percent of college-aged women reported experiencing at least one orgasm during their sleep. That shows us that female wet dreams are nothing new.
Women don’t always orgasm from a wet dream, though.
Men will know they’ve had an orgasm during their sleep because they’ll find discharged semen on their clothes or bed sheets.
But, for a woman, the presence of vaginal fluids doesn’t mean you had an orgasm; instead, secretions could mean you were sexually aroused without reaching orgasm.
If nothing else, there’s one important thing to remember: Wet dreams are completely normal.
Not everyone will have a wet dream, but there’s certainly nothing wrong if you do.
Just know that sleep orgasms, like all other orgasms, are super individual.
There’s no right or wrong way to have one or two or three or four.