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10 high fibre foods you should be eating

Joy Onuorah


Lentils and other beans are an easy way to sneak fibre into your diet in soups, stews and salads. Some beans, like edamame (which is a steamed soybean), are even a great fibre-filled snack.


Studies have shown that broccoli’s 5 grams of fiber per cup can positively support the bacteria in the gut, which may help your gut stay healthy and balanced.


Berries get a lot of attention for their antioxidants, but they’re full of fiber, too. Just a cup of fresh blueberries can give you almost 4 grams of fiber, and there is nearly the same amount of fiber in a cup of frozen unsweetened blueberries. Blackberries, strawberries and raspberries are also great sources of fiber. Of course, one of the biggest benefits of berries is that they’re naturally low in calories, too.


Avocados pretty much go with everything toast, salads, entrees, eggs and while they’re often recognized for their hefty dose of healthy fats, there are 10 grams of fibre in one cup of avocado.


There’s one gram of fibre in one cup of popcorn, and the snack (when natural and not covered in butter, like at the movies) is a whole grain that can satiate cravings with a hit of fibre. It’s even been called the King of Snack Foods.

Whole grain

Good news for bread lovers: Real whole grains, found in 100% whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and oats, have fiber.


That old saying that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” isn’t necessarily true, according to research, but the fruit can boost your fiber intake. There are about 4 grams of fiber in an apple, depending on its size, but this serving amount can help protect arteries and lower cholesterol. And, of course, they’re a nice and crunchy snack.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits like figs, prunes and dates can boost your fiber intake dramatically and are recommended for those struggling with constipation. The sugar called sorbitol, which naturally occurs in these fruits, can help your bowels and lead to more comfort. However, eating too many can lead to cramping or diarrhea, so try a small serving and see how you feel once you’ve digested them, before noshing on too many more.


Sweet potatoes, red potatoes, purple potatoes and even the plain old white potato are all good sources of fiber; one small potato with skin can provide close to 3 grams of fiber. The veggie has a bad reputation for running in the wrong crowds fries and chips, to name a few. However, when not fried in oil and slathered in salt, potatoes can provide many benefits. Plus, the fiber in potatoes can help protect the intestinal wall from potentially harmful chemicals found in some foods and drinks.


Nuts aren’t just a great source of protein and healthy fats sunflower seeds and almonds each have more than 3 grams of fibre in a serving.

They can help you reach the 25-gram intake of fibre recommended by the FDA for women and the 38-gram recommendation for men. Raw or dry-roasted nuts are preferred over the pre-packaged variety (which are usually cooked in oils that can add extra, unnecessary calories.) Even nut butter can pack a punch of fibre.

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