Nike Folagbade’s Warrior Brides Network Provides Support for Women in Difficult Marriages
In a recent interview, Mrs. Nike Folagbade, the Lead Coach/Therapist of Coaching and Counseling at Nike Folagbade International, shared insights about the urgent mandate she received to start the Warrior Brides Network. The network aims to help women in difficult marriages and provide them with the support they need to transform their lives.
Here are the highlights of the interview:
Mrs. Nike Folagbade explained that her journey into marriage counseling was inspired after her certification in Family Systems Engineering. Through her work, she discovered the underlying causes of troubling issues in marriages, some of which defy traditional psychological intervention. And this led her to seeking God’s face cover marital issues that seems dark and unbending. God took her through a journey to reveal most of the causes of the patterns that exists in marriage and how to partner with Him to break them. This led her to thr assignment to create the Warrior Brides Network, a comprehensive curriculum designed to help women in difficult marriages.
The main goal of the Warrior Brides Network program is to empower women to experience emotional wholeness, discover their life purposes, transform their marriages, and effectively parent their children. In the program, revelations on marriage are shared while empowering them with the insights and truths to overcome and experience stability in their homes or an exit when it is abusive.
Many women have lost their voices, identities, and self-worth due to difficult marriages, and the network aims to help them regain these aspects of their lives.
The WBN tour is a movement to reach out to more women in cities and nations beyond the program. It is a free event that offers teaching, impartations, free counseling, support system and more resources to help women. It is also for women who want to learn how to partner with God in their marriage even if it is working. It is cohosted by Minister Jumoke Ayegbusi, the founder of Kingdom Builders Interdominational fellowship.
To build an army for God through the Warrior Brides Network, Mrs. Folagbade explained that as women go through the program and experience healing and transformation, they become volunteers and sponsors for new cohorts. They share their experiences with others, spreading the word about the program and mobilizing more women to join.
Regarding the tour, the Warrior Brides Network plans to cover major locations in Nigeria, Africa, and abroad. The choice of locations is based on factors such as ease of mobilization and the presence of representatives. The program has already been held in Lagos, and upcoming events are scheduled for Abuja, Port Harcourt, the United Kingdom, the United States, Ghana, and South Africa.
To measure the impact of the Warrior Brides Network on women’s lives and marriages, Mrs. Folagbade highlighted indicators such as personal transformation, emotional stability, changes in marriage dynamics, spiritual growth, improved parenting strategies, and overall wholeness and fulfillment.
Challenges faced in starting the Warrior Brides Network included convincing women that the program is not solely about changing their husbands but focuses on personal growth and transformation. Overcoming this challenge involved demonstrating the intentional design of the curriculum to benefit women. Financial concerns were also addressed through partial or full scholarships for women who couldn’t afford the program.
Mrs. Folagbade shared success stories of women who have gone through the Warrior Brides Network program and experienced remarkable transformations in their lives and marriages. These stories include marriages being restored, healing from separation, and discovering purpose and fulfillment.
To sustain the momentum and growth of the Warrior Brides Network after the tour, Mrs. Folagbade mentioned ongoing promotion of the program, webinars, and yearly hangouts for networking. Testimonials from participants are also curated and shared online.
Women interested in joining the Warrior Brides Network can get involved by attending the free tour events or enrolling in the 12-week online program. Details and procedures can be found on the network’s website.
Mrs. Nike Folagbade offered a message of hope and healing to women struggling in their marriages. She emphasized that one’s life is deeper and beyond the confines of a difficult marriage. The network aims to help women discover their true purpose, experience growth, and find fulfillment, regardless of their marital circumstances.