4Tips to living within your means in 2019
Living within your means is the key to getting ahead in this new year 2019. It is much easier said than done actually. However, with the right discipline and the following tips you are good to go!
1. Be disciplined enough to stick to your budget. Now is the time to resist spending on impulse. Plan ahead and work within your budget.
2.Stop buying things on credit. Why buy things on money you don’t have yet. Try as much to be debt free.
3.Stop keeping up with Joneses. If this is the means closing your social media accounts, then do so. You should not live to impress people. Do things in your own terms. Define what success means to you.
4.Double your ‘hustle’. It implies working harder on your craft. Invest in self-improvement . Seek to open multiple streams of incomes. That way you can beat the ‘rainy days’.