Six must-haves to travel comfortably during periods
Menstruation can be very uncomfortable on a norm let alone when going on a trip that might not be a short one.
From the cramps to the crippling effect on the legs, and of course the crazy pain in the waist region and lower abdomen, travelling during periods might not be a convenient option. Worse in some cases, consistent puking, vomiting and irritation.
Below are six items that could be referred to as MUST-HAVES to ensure the comfort of every lady who desires to hit the road during her periods:
Sanitary pads
If you use sanitary pads, pack a few boxes of your choice sanitary pads depending on the duration of the trip.
Panty liners
Even if your menstrual cycle is not during your travel, packing some panty liners is always a good idea.
For pre and post period, it is totally advisable to always have these panty liners to avoid getting your period underwear soiled.
Full coverage period underwear
Full coverage underwear like a hipster is a more comfortable option to wear during your periods. Pack a few pairs of hipster panties for a hassle-free travel experience.
Pack any medications that you take for menstrual cramps in your medical kit. Along with the medicines, you might want to pack a few sachets of chamomile tea and ginger tea for natural pain relief.
Heating pads
A back compress with a heating pad can be a soothing and relaxing experience during your periods. Simply, charge the heating pad until warm and use it on your back or any other area where you feel discomfort.
Essential oil roll-ons
You can use essential oil roll-ons to help you sleep during your periods. Pack a few of your favourite essential oil roll-ons to enjoy during your trip. For sleep and relaxation, a lavender roll-on is perfect.