How to keep love alive in your marriage
Newly weds are always in so much love. As with the start of anything, emotions usually is over the sky at this time and this tend to hide some flaws each of them posses.
Its no news that after a while some married couple, feel they can no longer cope with the other and the reason is not far fetched.
The flaws of the other which seemed negligible or went unrecognized had become suddenly unbearable. The tolerance level is low and talks of not loving the other anymore begins to go round.
The only way to deal with this is to simply be intentional about it. Some marriage expert has said that love doesn’t keep a marriage.
If not love, what does??
The few thing that can keep any relationship is respect for one another, tolerance and commitment. When this is done by both parties, the relationship will be an enviable one worthy of emulation.
Below are few things that can keep love alive in any relationship.
- Always Remember what brought you together: There is always an attraction that brings two soul together. The longer it is maintained, the lasting the love among the love birds.
- Effective Communication : In this Era of social media and digital technology, most times couples remain glued to their phones and this prevents them from talking and communicating as required. With each communication, there is a deeper understanding and each gets to know what’s working and whats not.
- Create Fun Memories Together: Couples who spend time together stay together. Making out time to create lasting memories with a partner strengthens the bond and keeps the love blooming.
- Surprise Each Other: Waiting for a special occasion to gift your spouse is cold fashioned. Intentionally sprang a surprise and watch them glow with a broad smile.
- Tell Them How You Feel: The busyness of running a home sometimes makes one to forget how important it is to express love to their partner. If you ask some couples the last time they heard that expression is on their wedding night.
One can only keep love alive in a relationship by practicing the above and many others. The end point is to give your best at all time.