7 science-backed benefits of natural yogurt
Joy Onuorah
Yogurt is a popular dairy product that’s made by the bacterial fermentation of milk.
The bacteria used to make yogurt are called “yogurt cultures,” which ferment lactose, the natural sugar found in milk.
Yogurt can be made from all types of milk. Varieties made from skim milk are considered fat-free, whereas those made from whole milk are considered full-fat.
Plain yogurt without added colorants is a white, thick liquid with a tangy flavor.
Here are 7 science-based health benefits of natural yogurt;
Provision of important nutrients
Yogurt provides almost every nutrient that your body needs. It is especially high in calcium, B vitamins and trace minerals.
High protein
Yogurt, especially the Greek variety, is very high in protein. Protein is helpful for appetite and weight control.
Improves digestion
Some types of yogurt contain probiotics, which may boost digestive health by reducing the symptoms of common gastrointestinal disorders, such as bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
Strengthen immune system
Yogurt provides probiotics, vitamins and minerals, all of which may boost immune health and prevent certain illnesses.
Protection against osteoporosis
Yogurt is rich in vitamins and minerals that play a key role in bone health. Consuming it regularly may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Better heart health
Natural yogurt can benefit heart health by increasing “good” HDL cholesterol and reducing blood pressure.
Weight management
Yogurt is high in protein, which is very filling, and may improve your diet overall. Both of these aspects help with weight management.